Friday, April 1, 2011

Top 10 Lists for Quilters

I found these on  and with the author's permission I would like to share them with you.

Ten top reasons to Start a new project when your closet is overflowing with UFO's.

10. I just got a new book (magazine or pattern) and I just had to try this new technique.

9. The guild is doing a challenge and I really should participate.

8. I really should try this new workshop idea, since I spent all that money going to the workshop.

7. I have to start now if I am going to have something totally new for the quilt show.

6. I saw one and I just have to have one of my own.

5. My current project is too challenging and I need something more simple to work on.

4. My current project is too simple and I need something more challenging to work on.

3. My friends are: (pick one) getting married, having a baby, celebrating an anniversary, moving away.... and I just have to make a quilt for them.

2. I entered the block of the month and I just won 13 blocks.

And the number one reason to start a new project is:

1. My current projects no longer reflect my artistic style and I wouldn't want to limit my creative development!!

Pick a reason and start a new project, just don't blame me. I really am the UFO queen.

10 Top Reasons to Save Fabric That Is Too Small To Use

10. It can be a valuable way to document your stash.

9. You can use it to stuff pillows and small toys.

8. They look so pretty in a glass jar on your book shelf.

7. Glue it to a file card and take it with you on vacation (You never know).

6. You can make ¼ squares or hexagons to make a teeny tiny quilt so that everybody says "How did you do that?" (Or is it, why?").

5. Put it in clear plastic shapes with a bit of thread and hang it on the Christmas tree.

4. The school is always looking for items to use for the kindergarten art classes, and to teach young children their colors.

3. You can cut it into even smaller pieces and glue it on to a project for a lovely 3 dimensional effect.

2. Those little wisps and threads are just right for that discerning bird to feather his nest.

And the number one reason to save fabric that is too small is:

1. As soon as you throw it away, you will find the perfect way to use it.

Ten top reasons to put off organizing your sewing room

10. What would I do with all those seam rippers when I find them?

9. I can still see the rug!

8. I can't create in a sterile environment.

7. I like to have everything out where I can find it.

6. If it was organized I would be afraid to sew in there as I might mess it up.

5. If I organized all my UFO's, someone might count them!

4 Honestly, I like it this way.

3.Why do today what I can put off until tomorrow.

2. A cluttered room is a sign of a creative mind, and I'm an artist.

1. If I could find all my blues, I wouldn't need to buy anymore.

This is the opposite list, make sure you hide from SO and DK's

Ten top reasons to clean your sewing room

10. You now need steel toed boots to enter safely.

9. You can't remember the colour of the rug, or was it lino?

8. I have three rotary cutters, but it is either clean or use scissors.

7. The family has roped off the door with yellow caution tape.

6. I can move some of my stuff into the hall closet in the name of good housekeeping.

5. I'm still saving scraps for the kindergarten class, and my youngest is in Grade 3.

4. I bought more fabric, and there is NO more room for it.

3. My quilt is finally ready for the binding and I know I cut it and left it on the table, three years ago.

2. The quilty ladies are coming to a meeting at my house.

1. I need to make room for my daughter's stash!!

Hope you enjoy the lists!

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